Shady Things
Hello again everyone! I've been toying with all sorts of things this week to try and pin down my tool chain and lay some groundwork for future projects. I've used Google Blocks VR for modelling in loads of gamejams and to a very minor extent in Minimancer. I love it, it lets people without the know-how to use Max, Maya or Blender to start creating models very quickly. The trade off is the cap on complexity and simplistic style, but I actually quite enjoy those limitations. It reminds me of working on Minecraft icons and working details into that 16x16 sprite. The exported .obj models from Blocks are really easy to use but, while jamming on BeetHoven, I started to experiment with custom materials and shaders. While fun, the massive pitfall I happened into while doing this was that I had no way to automatically apply those materials, and so I ended up dragging and dropping a material onto every bit of every model. Oof. So last Thursday I put together a custom model importer, uv...