Making a Thing (Cronch Edition)

Last week was all about COVID shutdowns, getting set up in my home office and a helpful splash of writer's developer's block. So coming into this week, I really wanted to hit the ground running and make something. 

The plan was to make a game in 12 hours, no matter how bad it looked or how terrible the gameplay was. I've done my fair share of gamejams, and crunched hard in a lot of them, but I've never made anything with quite such an aggressive time limit before. Nonetheless, I had some hex map code running by lunchtime and managed to get a very basic resource collecting game going with a handful of animations and effects for a bit of added flair.

I've just been referring to it as "Game" so far, so I present to you;


Episode 1: Beebles Begin

The gameplay is as simple as placing minions in chains to get resources from the wild to the shop, or Business Bee. To help you move resources over long distances, you are given a bunch of Beebles (little crab things) who will grab whatever they can and keep things moving. In addition to selling raw resources, you can add Chormps to cronch on your ore and produce ingots.

So that's kinda all there is to it. It's a thing. It's nothing special. But it's a project I can use as a functional base on which to start writing nice code, polishing art assets and designing new content.

That's all for now!


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